Irina Bogacheva: One of the 50 Leading Women in Hedge Funds
The Hedge Fund Journal, in partnership with EY, recently published its list of the leading women in hedge funds, and Millburn is delighted that our Director of Research, Irina Bogacheva, was recognized amongst the other esteemed professionals.
Note: after being notified about the inclusion on this list and in support of this initiative and ceremony, Millburn has provided The Hedge Fund Journal with a sponsorship fee payment. Please use the link below to download the report in its entirety. See important disclosures appearing here.
"This edition marks the twelfth edition of our celebrated 50 Leading Women in Hedge Funds report and is published in association with EY for the eleventh time. We thank EY for their foresight 14 years ago and for their ongoing support for this inspiring report. The report continues to showcase exceptionally talented women working in the hedge fund industry, and we thank all the 2024 honourees for allowing us to share their success publicly.
Nineteen firms are featuring for the first time: ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V., Alston & Bird, Carmignac, Diameter Capital Partners, Eisler Capital, FERI, Freestone Grove Partners, H/Advisors Abernathy, Hildene Capital Management, Lazard Rathmore, Jain Global, Millburn Ridgefield Corporation, Neovest, Polar Asset Management Partners, Pearlstone Alternative, The Rohatyn Group, Walleye Capital and WorldQuant.
The returners, namely Amundi, BNP Paribas, Bridgewater, Capital Fund Management (CFM), Citco, Citadel and its affiliates, Citadel Securities, D.E. Shaw & Co., Jefferies, Lone Pine, Maples Group, Magnetar Capital, Millennium Management, Point72, Schonfeld Strategic Advisers, Schulte Roth & Zabel, Tudor Investment Corporation, Verition, Wellington Management and Woodline Partners have featured at least once before and some more frequently, if not necessarily in every single report. These firms provide serial honourees because they nurture a broad and deep bench of senior female professionals – who are also getting promoted.
50 Leading Women in Hedge Funds 2024

"The stage is well and truly set for women to continue to rise up the ranks of the hedge fund industry."
Hamlin Lovell
Contributing Editor, The Hedge Fund JournalWe restrict the number of repeats to special circumstances such as significant promotion or other milestones. The only repeat of both individual and firm this year is GoldenTree’s Kathy Sutherland. The other repeat is Carmignac’s Fabienne Cretin-Fumeron, who last featured when at Candriam.
Generally, a high proportion of this year’s honourees have previously worked at other firms that have contributed names to past reports. The giant and medium sized multi-strategy platforms have a big presence; they are collectively the largest employers of hedge fund managers including female fund managers, as well as other senior non-investment professionals.
About eighty percent of the women in this year’s report work for hedge funds or other alternative asset managers, including former hedge funds that are now family offices. Nine work for service providers, including a PR and communications firm, law firms, prime brokers and clearers, fund servicers and technology service providers.
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Most work for well-established firms, though it is heartening to see seasoned heavyweight professionals helping to anchor some of the largest launches of recent years, such as Rachel D’Antonio at Jain Global and Kimberly Jensen at Freestone Grove Partners.
This year we feature one women-founded and women-owned firm, namely Pearlstone Alternative, and their COO Sarah Higgins. Pearlstone was founded by Ivelina Green, who featured in this report when she worked at CQS.
Some other women-founded firms feature in our annual Tomorrow’s Titans report on rising star managers: six of the fifty in the Tomorrow’s Titans 2024 report are women.
Separately, women working in private markets – private debt, private equity, venture capital, real estate, infrastructure etc – may feature in our Private Markets: 50 Women Leaders report that published its first edition in July of this year in association with Citco. Private debt can straddle both reports since many credit hedge funds have diversified into direct lending..."
To download a PDF of the report in its entirety, please click here. Please join us in congratulating Irina and the other impressive women who made this year's list.